Triskelion of legs running

Manalive Software


  • Distributism Talk Resources


  • How to Clean Test Data From End-to-End Tests


    When you are creating an end-to-end (e2e) test with Cypress or Puppeteer, one plaguing question always comes up: How do you clean up the data?

  • Site Experiments


    If you look at the source for this page (or for this site) you might see some unexpected things. I'd like explain myself and give a reason for each thing that I see as janky and what the experiment underlying it is.

  • Chesterton Digital Library


    How do you take 6,000+ word documents, put them online, and make them searchable?

  • Build vs. Buy


    Should build software custom suited to your business or buy a commercial off the shelf solution that'll meet most of your needs?